2022 Annual General Meeting

People Meeting

2022 AGM - Virtual Meeting

Caledon Agricultural Society (CAS) annual general meeting will be held on January 8, 2022.  Zoom meeting.

Due to the recent increase in covid cases resulting in increased restrictions, our executive has decided to hold a zoom meeting for our AGM on January 8th. Persons interested in joining our zoom AGM can contact our secretary, Clarence Pinkney, for instructions on how to join the meeting.

Tentative Agenda

  1. Introduction and opening remarks
  2. Minutes from previous AGM
  3. President’s Address
  4. Review of annual report
  5. Nomination of Directors
  6. Voting
  7. Announcement of results
  8. Closing remarks

2022 AGM - In Person Meeting

Caledon Agricultural Society (CAS) annual general meeting will be held on January 8, 2022 starting at 9AM at the Alton Legion.

Address: 1267 Queen St W, Alton, ON L7K 0C4

The CAS AGM is open to all current members of the society as well as invited guests.  Guests must be registered in advance.  Please contact the Fair Secretary.

Tentative Agenda

  1. Introduction and opening remarks
  2. Minutes from previous AGM
  3. President’s Address
  4. Review of annual report
  5. Nomination of Directors
  6. Voting
  7. Announcement of results
  8. Closing remarks

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our members and community are of the highest priority.

The CAS follows the guidelines outlined by our local health until regarding social distancing and maximum gathering sizes.  For any further information please feel free to use the following links:  Health Canada.    Ontario Ministry of Health.

The health and safety of our members and community are of the highest priority.

Mask mandate in effect.  Proof of vaccination required.  The 2022 AGM is an in-person event.

The CAS follows the guidelines outlined by our local health until regarding social distancing and maximum gathering sizes.  For any further information please feel free to use the following links:  Health Canada.    Ontario Ministry of Health.

Alton Legion


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