Caledon Fair 2021
See our Virtual Fair Competitions for 2021.
Join us VIRTUALLY ONLY at the Caledon Fair June 11,12 and 13, 2021! Send in your entries for our virtual competitions during the month of May, and check in during Fair weekend to see if you won!
Our fair has been running in Caledon Village since 1860 during the reign of Queen Victoria.
Fairs were started across the country when it was beginning to be settled by pioneers, as a way to encourage improvements, education and productivity of all aspects of agriculture.
For example a prize winning animal at the local fair could command a higher service fee, and be more sought after for service. This helped to improve bloodlines, and productivity.
This had the same effect for other livestock, crops, equipment, new ideas and even canning and preserving as well as other lifestyle enhancing activities, right on down to square dancing! Fairs were a BIG DEAL for many towns and villages throughout Canada for many years.
This year’s fair can’t have traditional classes for livestock, horses, and crops due to Provincial Health rules during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Instead, we want you to show us what you’ve been doing over the past year at home, in your kitchen, your garden, your shops, in your barns, yards and farm fields. Check out our Competitions pages for Homecrafts, field crops, livestock, Children’s crafts, Garden Produce and more! During May you can enter your activities and produce VIRTUALLY for free fun. We will have them judged, and we’ll post the WINNERS of each competition on our Website.
Hosted by the Caledon Agricultural Society